This system is intended for the use of authorised representatives
of members of ASEAN countries, for the purpose of sharing timely
information on livestock diseases, to improve regional disease
To ensure the integrity of the disease information managed by the
system, access is restricted by password.
This system has been developed with the cooperation of the ASEAN
sectoral working group on livestock, and with support from the
Australian Government (AusAID), OIE (head office in Paris, regional
office in Tokyo, and regional coordination unit in Bangkok) and ACIL.
The system builds on and extends the functions of existing regional
animal health information systems, including the OIE's South East
Asian Foot and Mouth Disease campaign and the Animal Health and
Production Information System for ASEAN (AHPISA)
ASEAN Regional Animal Health Information System (ARAHIS)
Developed by
AusVet Animal Health Services
As part of the AusAID funded "Strengthening Animal Health Management and Biosecurity in ASEAN" (SAHMBA) project
With the participation of ASEAN SWGL, OIE, SEAFMD, AHPISA, Cardno-Acil, and the OIE Tokyo Regional Office.